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Trees provide food and sustenance. Trees provide shelter. Trees are needed to build. Bifurcation is the point or area at which the tree divides and branches off. This is a story about two family trees in commercial real estate that are stronger and growing because of bifurcation, or in human terms, multi-generations...
If your organization is like most others, you have multiple team members spread out in different locations, or even just working remotely from home or another location. Whatever the case, these remote team members usually interact with your in-office employees, making it crucial to have systems in place that can allow...
Spring 2020 Periscope Newsletter
Coldwell Banker Commercial Paradise has a team of 24  skilled advisors dedicated to giving the best real estate experience in  Sales, Leasing and Property Management.  They are also available to consult regarding your real estate portfolio and current valuations.  We would like to thank our clients for allowing us...
Will Spec Suites Change the Way We Market Offices?
In today’s environment, many markets are experiencing rising downtown office vacancy coupled with changing tenant preferences and demands. As such, landlords and building owners are having to think outside the box when it comes to strategies they can implement to help fill space and keep their buildings...
4 Tips for Vetting Potential Real Estate Deals
In today’s business climate, accurate and relevant information is crucial for success in commercial real estate investing. In other words, if you don’t know the local market, you could be in real trouble. Despite this fact, commercial real estate is a sector favorite among investors, with its relatively strong...
Magnificent Mile to Main Street
Everyone’s heard the buzz about the death of traditional brick and mortar and the rise of experiential retail. U.S. retail vacancies were at 10.2% at the end of 2018, a marginal increase from 10.0% a year earlier, according to a report from Reis. Current market trends have challenged retail owners and investors...
Are Driverless Cars Still Set to Impact CRE?
Driverless cars are everywhere. Now, the autonomous car trend is spreading across the world. So, we need to prepare for changes that these vehicles could cause. Whether on the road or in your home, driverless cars will begin to affect your day-to-day life. You’ve probably heard the debate regarding driverless cars...
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4 Ways to Make Your Warehouse More Attractive to Leasees
The demand for warehouse space is at an all-time high. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, over 2,000 warehouses have been added to the market since 2008. And, the total number of warehouses and storage spaces in the U.S. has almost reached 20,000 establishments. Even though there has been an increase in...
5 Ways to Respect Your Coworkers in Shared Office Space
Shared office spaces can be great for brainstorming sessions and collaborative projects. However, sometimes you need peace and quiet to work. As the open-concept architectural design trend spreads into the office, there are some general rules to keep in mind in order to be respectful of the individuals that you’re...