Accumulate Capital Gains Tax Free Appreciation On Indian River Agricultural Investments
The vast areas of agricultural land west of I95 in Indian River County has been established as an Economic Opportunity Zone. These zones were established by the tax cuts of 2017. Investors looking to shelter capital gains from immediate taxation, can invest in agricultural land in need of purposing. Purchasing the land in an Economic Opportunity Zone fund and investing 50% to revitalize underutilized land not only avoids immediate capital gains tax on the investment, but allows for tax free appreciation for over 40 years.
For more information on how an Economic Opportunity Zone could work for you, contact Linda Schlitt Gonzalez at 772-559-7367.
Because Indian River County was hit hard by citrus greening, the act established most of the county west of I95 as an Economic Opportunity Zone to spur reinvestment in finding new uses for any idle acreage. From organic salads to solar electric farms, the area is ripe for investment. For information on how company establishing new uses for this land